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  • Writer's pictureSara Daugherty

The Business Community Comes Together to Support the Levy

Left to right - Mike Fredrickson, Lynne Fredrickson, Jill Pazdan, Nancy Marek, Liz Marek, and Todd Marek. All graduates of Grangeville High School. Mike and Todd are the owners of Northwest Insurance Agency. Jill is Mike’s daughter and is an agent at the business. Jill and her husband Nic, moved here from Boise in 2019 to raise their kids in a smaller area and have family closer. Lynne and Liz (wives of Mike and Todd) are both nurses at Syringa Hospital. Nancy (Todd’s mother) and her late husband Jack started Northwest Insurance Agency.

Northwest Insurance Agency

Our community is very important to us, as a business and to our families. It is what keeps families here or attracts families to return or relocate here, and our schools are the very foundation of that community. In order to have a thriving, attractive, and strong community, we need to invest in our schools. Our schools help develop our future leaders and workforce. When we invest in our schools, we are investing in our community and we will see big returns as a result.

-The Marek, Fredrickson, and Pazdan Families

Left to right - Charlotte, Ryan and Lindsay Denuit, Madelyn and Ray Anderson, Jenna Denuit. Not Pictured: Makenna and Ella Denuit

Anderson Aeromotive

When we relocated our business here over 22 years ago, we fell in love with this wonderful community and all it has to offer! We convinced our kids to move here to raise their families and now hope our grandkids will do the same.

In recent years, the majority of our applicants are people of or approaching retirement age. Investing in our local schools will attract and keep young families, benefiting our entire local economy. We must have a school system that makes young families want to be here. Our community cannot survive as a retirement community.

Wherever the fault is with our current school funding, it is not at the fault of the kids of our community. They deserve the same programs and education as our previous generations.

When the levy passes, let’s start working on securing adequate and permanent funding for our local schools. Please, vote in favor of Mt. View School District’s levy on May 21st.

-Ray Anderson

Read more about how Pro Levy is Pro Business.


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